Journey| Senior Adults 55+ | Griefshare | Grieving Moms

Journey Recovery

The Journey program is a safe place where we invite people to learn and navigate through overcoming obstacles within one's walk with God, while learning to become all that He has created each one of us to be. This group specifically works on establishing trust within the group by maintaining confidentiality, responsibility, acceptance, respect, honesty, openness, and encouragement, as we affirm one another and motivate each other toward positive change. Whether one needs emotional, spiritual, relational, practical, or physical recovery, The Journey group recognizes everyone's unique challenges and motivates each individual to examine one's dysfunctional beliefs and behaviors.

We cannot wait to connect with you in your journey towards healing!

Join us on Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Center 

For more info, contact Deb Lewis

Grief Share

GriefShare is an online video seminar series featuring some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on loss after death/recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspective. The video seminars are combined with support group discussions of the materials presented during the video.

Please feel free to call 702-880-7811 or email if you have any questions or would like more information about the GriefShare seminars.

We look forward to walking alongside of you as you begin your healing.

For more info, contact Deb Lewis

Grieving Moms

Grieving Moms is an online Zoom support group for Moms to come alongside one another as they bear the pain and work through their grief. This class offers tools to help move forward though the grieving process and to encourage members to grow in their relationship with Jesus, while learning to trust Him with grief.

Women need to sign-up and purchase their own book:

Join us Thursday evenings online at 5 PM 

For more info, contact Deb Lewis

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Our Adult Tuesday Morning Bible Class is all about digging into God’s Word and having fruitful discussion together. We enjoy taking our time navigating what God is showing us in His Word and the implications for us as we seek to apply His Truth in every day life. If you desire to grow in your walk with Christ and make some friends along the way, this class is for you.

Join us on Tuesday mornings in Worship Room C at 10 am.

For more info, contact Deb Lewis

Share a Prayer Request

No matter what you're facing, you don't have to go through it alone. Our team is here to pray with you and for you. Simply fill out the form below to share your prayer request, and we’ll join you in lifting it up. Your request can remain confidential if you prefer—just let us know. We’re honored to stand with you in prayer!