Covid-19 Response
The Hills Response
In light of the current circumstances that both our world and communities at large are being faced with, we have an opportunity to cling to Jesus and his purpose for us as the church. When uncertainty arises, it is natural for us to experience fear and anxiety, but we know that this is not what our Father desires for us. The Bible is clear that God is not the author of confusion, nor does he want us to be taken captive by fear or anxiety. Amidst the unpredictable times stemming from Covid-19, as a church, let's cling to the promise in II Timothy that says "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." We know that if God is for us that NOTHING, including the Corona Virus, can be against us! As we continue to put our trust in Jesus through this time, let's continue to brainstorm and pray for ways that we can creatively be the church for our Las Vegas community. As your Pastor, I am with you, and I am for you.
I love you Church,
Pastor Brett
1. Church Online
Our Sunday experience will be available online Sundays at 10:30 am through our Youtube Channel.
New Here?
If today is your first time joining us, fill out the form in the link below and let us know how your experience was. Our team members would love to answer any questions you may have. God Bless!
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people in Las Vegas and around the world click here:
2. Meeting the Needs of the Community
Please fill out our home page contact form or email if you are someone in need during this time.
Your Response
1. Practice Social Distancing
We encourage you to love your neighbor from afar and continue to keep sanitizing as much as possible.
2. Reach Out
What an opportunity that we have at this time to reach out and check in with someone in our church family! Whether it be a phone call, a text, or a direct message, let’s reach out to one another and see how we can meet the needs of our community.
3. Give
God blesses those who are faithful in giving. During this time, the church is being called upon more than ever to assist those in the community, and your giving makes all the difference!
Our Response Together
1. Pray
Prayer works! As a church, let’s pray together for our country, our leaders, and for each other during these uncertain times.
2. Worship
Let’s worship together not only on Sundays but throughout our week. God deserves ALL of our praise, especially in times of struggle.
3. Stay Connected
While we are somewhat isolated, let’s make sure that we are staying involved together as a church through social media, church online, etc. Remember that we are better together!
- Pre K or Elementary Children
- Junior High & Senior High Church Online
- Young Adults 18-25 Church Online
- Next Steps
- Shadow Hills App
- Sermon Notes
- Sermon Discussion